“The expedition that found a dimensional portal in Antarctica”
Antarctica will never stop giving surprises. The remotest and most inhospitable coldest continent on Earth could hide a veritable archaeological museum under the thick blanket …
Bringing the World to Your Screen
Antarctica will never stop giving surprises. The remotest and most inhospitable coldest continent on Earth could hide a veritable archaeological museum under the thick blanket …
A strange formation of UFOs was observed in the NASA image (ID: STS100- 708A-48) of the Endeavor mission,from the space shuttle to the ISS After …
The ‘tiktoker’ Eno Alaric claims to be a time traveler and that only a few people would survive the alien invasion thanks to another alien …
On September 9, 2021, an astronomer captured something unusual in space through his telescope. The author of the video said that for the first time …
The footage shows a mysterious UFO dubbed “the Ghost of Baghdad” moving across the screen from left to right. They were taken from video recorded …
Alfred O’Donnell, a defense contractor who ran Area 51, claimed they “had a flying saucer that had been recovered in New Mexico” and a “living …
“You are not alone in the universe, ” Rafael Pacheco said as he piloted over Mexico City before mysteriously disappearing in 1976. On June 21, …
A video shows the moment when the skies over Smyrna, Turkey, lit up bright green when a mysterious object crashed into Earth. Images of the …
As NASA prepares for man’s first mission to Mars, it is curious that it has not set foot on the Moon since 1972, let alone …
TikTok user Eno Alaric, who calls himself ‘radianttimetraveler’ , who claims to have traveled through time, has released the disturbing message that “the world will …