Flat Earthers Claim Australia Doesn’t Exist And People Who Live There Are Actors Paid By NASA
A rising number of individuals seem to believe that the earth is, in fact, flat. But it gets better. They also claim that Australia is …
Bringing the World to Your Screen
A rising number of individuals seem to believe that the earth is, in fact, flat. But it gets better. They also claim that Australia is …
Jupiter: The Only Planet in our Solar System That Doesn’t Orbit the Sun Who says it doesn’t orbit the sun??? It’s a planet, isn’t it? …
A mysterious quantum phenomenon reveals an image of an atom like never before. You can even see the difference between protons and neutrons. The Relativistic …
If you were to pick Saturn out of a lineup you’d probably recognize it by its iconic rings. They’re the biggest, brightest rings in our …
Scientists’ insatiable search for finding another planet that could support human life has just got a leg up following the discovery of two Earth-like alien …
On NASA’s very own YouTube channel there is an ongoing live broadcast feed from the International Space Station which showcases what the camera here sees …
In a stunning announcement, SpaceX CEO Elon Musk has revealed that he will be personally traveling to space later this year. The announcement was made …
A recent research paper by top level researchers from all over the world has been released stating: Mars declared unsafe for humans. Unveiling the …
You’ve got questions, we’ve got answers! Is Mars habitable? Do aliens exist? Are there oceans on other worlds? Our “We Asked a NASA Expert” video …
While many of us can only dream of space travel, 17-year-old astronaut trainee Alyssa Carson is making it a reality. The ambitious Louisiana-based teenager has …