How Generation Spaceship Will Take Humans To Interstellar Space

The manned mission to the moon, Mars, and beyond has appeared like Science fiction to many people. However, the progress we have made in sending robotic Landers, orbiters, and rovers to Mars has shown how close we are to achieving manned missions to Mars. But can we attempt interstellar Travel? This article will show how a generation spaceship will take humans to Interstellar Space. Let’s dig in.

What Is Generation Spaceship?

A generation spaceship is a gigantic interstellar ark starship that travels at a certain speed to reach the nearest star system. This ship will be built with the capacity of carrying a few hundred people and will travel for centuries or even thousands of years before it arrives at the next planetary system.

The first set of people to live on this ship will grow old and die, while their children will continue to journey. This implies that the descendants of the original first occupants will be the people to arrive in the new space world.

Preparation For The Journey To The Stars

Before the journey commences, many preparations need to be made for the success of this mission. However, the most critical technology that will serve as the center of attraction will be the design and construction of the generation ship.

The most recent space technology we have currently developed is the SpaceX SN20 starship. But unlike anything you have seen before, this generation spaceship will be so massive that the astronauts will have a good life and feel like they are still on earth while exploring the stars.

The space agency planning the journey will select between 100 to 500 astronauts and train them. Unlike regular missions to Space, these astronauts will undergo complex training to prepare them for the trip to another planetary system.

Aside from training the astronauts, the space agency that will embark on this mission will also work on other futuristic technologies to guarantee the mission’s success. However, the primary concern of the space agency will rely more on building the generation ship.

How We Will Build The Generation Ship

The construction of this massive ship will be in Space. This is because the gigantic spaceship cannot launch directly from the earth. Just like the International space station, the ship’s central core will be constructed on earth and launched into Space.

Astronauts will travel to Space to complete the design and prepare it for the journey to deep space. Remember that the earth’s magnetic field keeps us safe from space radiation. Since the generation ship will be meant to travel for centuries, it will be designed to avoid any form of radiation penetration and protect the astronauts aboard the ship from the dangers of Space.

The ship will also have artificial gravity to provide people onboard with Earth-like gravity and keep them safe throughout the journey. The materials that will be used to build the ship will be sophisticated to last for centuries without any need for replacement.

Unlike any known spaceship today, this generation spaceship may take years to construct. The good news is that the resilient efforts of the engineers, scientists, and astronauts working on the project will ensure that the construction is completed before take-off time.

Futuristic Technologies That Will Be Installed Inside The Generation Ship

Since the ship will explore the stars for hundreds or even thousands of years, it will need to contain futuristic technologies that will ensure that astronauts aboard the ship will survive and arrive at their new destination. The ship will surely have some of these technologies.

1. Artificial Gravity.

First, artificial gravity will be provided for people aboard the ship. This will give a conducive environment for the first astronauts on board and for them to raise their children as well. Since astronauts aboard this ship will live their entire lives on the ship, they need gravity to stay healthy and raise their children.

2. Space Farm.

The gigantic generation ship will have growth chambers to grow food for the entire crew members. Since hundreds of people will participate in this journey, the space farm will be large enough to grow enough food for everyone.

Keep in mind that not all crops can grow and survive in Space. However, scientists have revealed that rice, potato, chili pepper, and other crops can grow in Space. But before we commence on this journey, we should be technologically advanced to genetically modify every edible plant to grow in Space.

This space farm will be a crucial part of this generation ship. This is because people on board the ship will depend on the produce to survive. We have currently used the Vegetable Production System to grow a variety of edible crops on the International Space Station.

If we could accomplish this in the 21st century, future civilizations should be able to build a gigantic space farm in the future.

3. Cryonics Technology.

The idea of cryonics remained science fiction for years before it was brought to life in the 20th century. The space agency planning this mission will see the need to add cryonics chambers to the ship. Maybe, we may have figured out how to wake people from cryo-sleep before commencing on this journey.

If we have discovered how to wake people up using cryonics technology, aged people aboard the ship will be cryogenically preserved so that they can see the new destination when they arrive. Numerous cryonics technologies will be added to the ship to accommodate as many people as possible.

4. Earth Museum.

Part of the generation ship will be built as an earth museum. This museum will remind the future generation what life on earth looks like. Since those born aboard the ship have never experienced life on earth, they need to be educated on what life actually looks like on earth. The earth museum will comprise every component of life on earth.

5. Highly Sophisticated Artificial Intelligent Robots.

People aboard the interstellar generation ship will need robots to accomplish complex tasks. Astronauts aboard the ship will try as much as possible to stay safe. Hence, highly intelligent robots will be used for almost every dangerous task.

Aside from participating in dangerous tasks, these highly sophisticated robots will also help the astronauts to improve their mental health. These robots will also assist astronauts in researching and inventing new technologies that will benefit the crew.

With the assistance of robots in the generation ship, astronauts participating in this mission will not work themselves out.

6. Communication Systems.

The communications systems that will be installed on this ship will be something out of this world. These communication systems will enable astronauts aboard the ship to communicate with the mission control center and their loved ones on earth.

7. Water Recycling Systems.

The need for water in the generation spaceship will be in excess. Hence, the generation spaceship will have advanced water recycling systems that will recycle every droplet of water on the ship. This water recycler will convert the bathroom water waste, sweat of astronauts, and other liquids into its system.

After recycling the water, it will be much cleaner from bacteria and other gems. Astronauts aboard the International Space Station are already using this water recycler to ensure they never run out of water in Space. This may sound irritating to some people.

But scientists have discovered that the water astronauts drink in Space is better than the water most of us drink on earth. The water recycling systems that will be added to the generation spaceship will be more advanced and sophisticated to meet the future need of the astronauts aboard the ship.

 8. Other Futuristic Technologies.

The generation spaceship will have other futuristic technologies to give the astronauts a good feeling about the future. From highly advanced sports facilities to modernized movie theaters, the futuristic technologies that will be found in this space station will be in excess.

Space agencies that will work on this project will ensure that the interstellar crew members never lack anything while traveling to the stars.

Life Inside The Generation Ship

After astronauts board the ship, the journey to a new star system will commence. The plan of this mission may be to reach the nearest star system which is Alpha Centauri. Alpha Centauri maintains a distance of 4.367 light-years away from earth. With our current rocket technology, it will take about 18,000 years to arrive at this destination.

However, before commencing this journey, we must have invented a better propulsion system that will shorten our trip to Space. Hundreds of people will participate in this journey to the new space world. Life inside the generation ship will be quite unique and different from life on earth.

Whenever the astronauts feel like remembering home, they will work in the earth museum aboard the ship and feel more connected to our home planet. Children born on this ship will be limited in their choices of careers. Their entire goal will rely on keeping the ship running to get to its destination.

Every futuristic technology in the ship will enable the first astronauts’ children to reach their new destination.

How Humans Will Arrive In The New Interstellar Space World Using Generation Ship

After exploring Space for hundreds or thousands of years, and the generation ship succeeds in reaching a new space world, the descendants of the original crew will see new hope for humanity. The last crew to reach this destination will not land on the planet immediately.

Instead, robotic rovers will be sent to the new world to explore and study the new environment. These robotic rovers will also detect possible dangers that will expose astronauts to hazards. Through the information realized from this rover, the astronauts will prepare for a safer landing mission and begin their exploration.

The crew will communicate with people on Earth, Moon, and Mars about their discovery in this new world. They will use their technologies to mine minerals and build a colony in the new world.

The Search For Aliens Continues

Astronauts that survive the trip will continue the search for aliens. However, if another civilization inhabits the new space world, the crew will find a means to establish a peaceful conversation with them. Through this approach, a peaceful coexistence will exist between both unique species.

When Will Interstellar Travel Be Possible?

Interstellar Travel will surely become possible someday in the future. We already have Voyager 1 exploring interstellar Space. Voyager 1 was launched on September 5th, 1977 and it entered interstellar space in 2012. If we could accomplish this in the 20th century, we can do more in the future. Interstellar Travel will be possible through generation ships and other futuristic technologies.

How Far Can We Travel In Space With Our Current Technology?

The distance we can cover in the vast nature of Space is limited due to our current technology. However, with the idea of generation ships, we could see the possibilities of reaching interstellar space in the future.

Will Humans Ever Reach Interstellar Space?

The ability of humans to reach interstellar Space is quite limited based on our current space technology. But, future technologies will enable humans to reach interstellar space in a few centuries to come.

Will Humans Ever Travel To Other Galaxies?

Getting started with intergalactic Travel will only be possible if humans achieve interstellar Travel. The idea of designing spaceships to explore other galaxies has remained science fiction for years. But our approach to the future will surely take a different dimension in the future.

How Do Spacecraft Travel In Space?

Spacecraft accelerate toward a certain direction creating an equal force that will act in the opposite direction. Spaceships can propel through Space as a result of this reaction. Keep in mind that this method by which spacecraft flies through Space is based on Newton’s 3rd law. We may likely create other means of exploring Space in the future.

Is Interstellar Travel Possible By 2100?

The idea of interstellar Travel may likely become possible by 2100. Based on the progress we have made so far in advancing the world, we may be exploring interstellar Space in the 22nd century. However, enough effort needs to be put into action to achieve this. But the effort we have made so far is already making the future look quite promising.


Generation ship has remained science fiction for years. However, the idea may be brought to life in the 22nd century and beyond. Future human civilization will go the extra mile to reach the stars. Do you think that we can commence interstellar Travel using a generation ship?