“NASA has hidden images of pyramids and statues on Mars” (Video)

The Curiosity rover on Mars has discovered and photographed pyramid structures and “statues” hidden among the rocks of the red planet, but NASA has tried to “hide” and even, in some circumstances, destroy this evidence, according to conspiracy theorists.

Proponents of the Ancient Astronaut Theory – who believe aliens visited Earth in prehistoric times – said they saw some photos taken by the Curiosity rover where you can see a number of statues, including a Buddha statue and a cross. . .

Satellite imagery expert Joseph White says Rover ‘s images have been altered to prevent the public from discovering these statues and other artifacts. On the History channel, in the Ancient Aliens TV series, Joseph White said:

“They [NASA] are doing everything they can to destroy those images. Basically, what they do is scale in such a way that all data is lost.”

Conspiracy theorists have also found images of complex structures resembling Mayan temples and pyramids, which supports the theory that aliens from Mars have moved to Earth. Author David Childress said:

“Some structures on Mars may be completely related to structures here on Earth. On Mars we have structures that look like pyramids. There are standing stones and Stonehenge-like structures on Mars.”
David also points out a “structure” on Mars that looks like a Sphinx, as well as an object that looks eerily similar to a sarcophagus. Many of these unexplained objects have been seen in an area known as The City, including a group of pyramids similar to those found in Egypt.

These pyramid-shaped mounds follow a similar pattern to the star constellation called the Pleiades, a constellation reflected in monuments on Earth. In this regard, the author Giorgio A. Tsoukalos stated:

“We have to ask: What civilization built this, and what happened to all of this?”

Is it possible that all this was done by the aliens themselves who somehow replicated the same things on Earth?