Unirea Salt Mine – All You Need to Know

Only 100 km from Bucharest, you will encounter one of the most acknowledged destinations for balneal and touristic activities. Since 1953, Slanic Prahova, with its astounding salt mine is a pearl of national interest and a much beloved destination for tourists coming from all around the world.

What can you expect to see at this majestic and salty site? Starting with the data, the site will offer about 2.9 million cubic meters of excavated salt, which has led to the creation of gigantic and multifaceted caves. The caves make up a total of 14 trapezoidal rooms with an extensive surface of 80 thousand square meters. You heard that right! 80 thousand square meters of salt wonderland.

The rooms have 10 meters tall openings, whilst the salt mine itself reaches a depth of 208 meters. The enormous dimensions ensured it the title of largest salt mine in Europe. But what can one do in a salt mine really? And why would one bother to visit one? Is it worth the ride? Here are a few hints about the main highlights at the Slanic Prahova salt mine.

The salt shines with various coloured bands of grey and white tones and emanates a peculiar and shiny light. So much so that many tourists have reported experiencing a spiritual almost mystical connection with the earth and with themselves during the act of admiring the hidden beauty of the caves.

And whilst some may see in it a zen sanctuary or hideout, to others the cave represents a chance to chase their quest for historical wisdom. In fact, it is possible for tourists to explore the more ancient places where the salt excavation phases have taken place over the centuries as the mini buses reach into the more remote meanders of the mine.

In spite of the size of the site, the entire tour can be taken in only about 2 hours and comes with the added benefit of the enjoyment of some saline air. Do not be surprised though, if in spite of the peculiarly clean air, you will find the experience breath-taking. Especially when you visit the salt mine for the first time you will be invaded by a feeling of awe.

The “salt palaces”, as the 14 rooms are called, have a constant temperature of 13 degrees Celsius throughout the year and a humidity of 60%, which grants for saline aerosols therapeutic effects on health. So much so that that the mine has started to be used for the treatment of respiratory diseases.

This turns Slanic Prahova into a curative vacation destination for those of you who may be affected by respiratory problems. Several have been the cases of reported benefits following a curative journey at the mine. And after all, what best way to take care of one’s health than in the natural beauty of a centuries old salt mine?

The pure air has also been found to be almost completely lacking radiation and pollution. This has been tested by the National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Energy, which frequently researches the mine and, as rumors suggest, may be planning the installation of a cosmic research center in it.