NASA releases breathtaking ultra-HD video of the sun

Nasa releases breathtaking footage of the sun in 4K HD

Watch this stunning 4K footage of the Sun, and find out what you didn’t know about the star at the center of the Solar System.

Nasa have released stunning footage of the sun in ultra high definition.

Naming the project ‘Thermonuclear art’, Nasa captured the images from the Solar Dynamics Observatory. There, an image is taken every 12 seconds, in 10 different wavelengths of invisible ultraviolet light.


Each of those wavelengths is assigned an individual colour, providing the different sets of images seen in the video.

Accompanying the video, Nasa Goddard – the space flight centre – said, “Presented in ultra-high definition video (4K) the video presents the nuclear fire of our life-giving star in intimate detail, offering new perspective into our own relationships with grand forces of the solar system.”

The video lasts around 30 minutes, with the above being an accelerated version. You can watch the full version here.

Nasa says it takes a specialist media team 10 hours to make just one minute of the released video.

Nasa also recently released footage of Jupiter in 4K HD, showing changes in the planet’s Giant Red Spot.